Sunday, November 18, 2012

How Free Classified Sites Make Money

As a former marketing executive for a popular classified ad website, I was often faced with the question "how do free classified sites make money?" My response to them was always the same, it is summed up in one word; Traffic. Free products or services generate traffic and traffic equals money. The more traffic that a site can attract, the more money advertisers are willing to pay to receive some of the attention that is generated by that site. for instance generates well over 100 million views per month. Even though doesn't allow commercial advertisers to promote banner ads on their site, they do charge a fee for certain options in certain categories. For example, in 2011 the site made approximately $96 million in the job recruiter category, $13 million in the real estate category, and $6 million in the therapeutic massage category. This is not even calculating the money that was being made by them in the Erotic categories that they had in previous years. Some estimates were conservatively estimated at around $50 million per year before they shut it down. is another great example, this website has established profit centers all through out its lay out. The company charges a small fee for use of its personals section which conveniently reduces the amount of spam received in that category. According to them, this allows the visitor to have a more quality experience. They also have an adult category that generates income for the site and I assume will add millions of dollars to their bottom line in the near future (if not already). Many classified sites like also charge a fee within the automotive, real estate, and job section. Basically, once the volume of visitors to a classified site is at a certain level, there is plenty of money to be made! Making money for a free classified ad website is accomplish able but definitely not easy. It can take years of marketing and promoting for these sites to generate the kind of traffic that it takes in order to turn a profit. However, once established it is very easy to create several profit centers within a classified ad website due to the multitude of categories and subcategories that exist. they have the option to just pick a popular category within the site, stamp a price on it and watch the money flow in.

Top Open Source Learning Management Systems

Open source Learning Management Systems have become extremely popular in recent years, but what does open source mean? Open Source technology is technology where the source code is "open", that is, the code is available to the public and free to be modified. Improvements can be made by developers and it can be spread or sold to the wider community. So, why should an organization choose an open source Learning Management System as opposed to a homegrown or proprietary Learning Management System?

Firstly, if a company uses a proprietary Learning Management System, they must rely on the provider to maintain and service the Learning Management System, as well as provide support when problems occur.
As the code is widely available in open source Learning Management Systems, many developers read and examine the code, resulting in bugs being identified and fixed much faster than proprietary programs.
Open Source technology is very beneficial to schools, universities and other educational institutions as well as corporations.
Open Source Learning Management Systems are fully flexible and customizable, so they can be designed in line with your school/organization brand image.
There are no license or hardware costs associated with open source technology so it is free to start using it and carries minimal risk.
Open Source Learning Management Systems can also be converted to social learning platforms. You can create an online community through your Learning Management System. For example your learners can chat, blog, connect to social network sites (facebook etc.) and have polls on your open source Learning Management System. This blog post details how you can combine Google + with you Learning Management System.

Top 6 Open Source Learning Management Systems

With the huge number of Learning Management systems available today, making the decision on which platform to choose can be quite overwhelming. Below I have written brief explanations on 6 of the best systems currently available.


Moodle is an abbreviation for "Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment" although when it was first developed the M stood for Martin's after its developer, Martin Dougiamas. Moodle has been around for over ten years, with the first version in August 2002.


Very, very easy for first time users.
Easy generation of PDF documents.
Quick establishment of courses.
All grades for assignments and quizzes etc. can be viewed on one sheet and downloaded as a spreadsheet.
Teachers/Instructors can add multiple files very easily by dragging and dropping.

.LRN (dot learn) was originally developed at MIT and is used by almost 500,000 people in educational institutions, corporations and government in over 18 countries.


Homework drop box.
Scorm Display
Student tracking data can be exported
Different roles are supported for.LRN Classes, such as students, professors and administrative staff
LRN has been internationalized to support multiple languages, dialects and timezones
However, it's main flaw is that it has a very diverse interface with many inconsistencies.


The basic version of eFront is exactly that, basic, but this can be amplified with modules downloadable from the eFront site. The thought process behind this decision was so that users spend time learning new skills, not learning how to use the platform. There are two efront Learning Management platforms, an educational edition and an enterprise edition. The enterprise edition was aimed at medium sized enterprises with between 100 and 10,000 employees. Extensive research on organizations of this size was conducted before development began.


Visually attractive interface
Very fast and modern as it is Ajax enabled
Unicode, LDAP and SCORM supporting
Advanced security characteristics

This particular Learning Management System is available in three versions, the original free open source version, a pro version and a specific medical version. It is possible to build visual learning without graphical expertise.


Convert Office documents into Learning Paths
Content authoring tools
Video conferencing tools
Synchronization with HR Management systems
Print Certificates

Sakai was designed by universities, for universities. It was built by MIT, Stanford and Berkeley amongst others so they did not need to use homegrown systems or pay vendors. It aims to be very well suited to group projects and describes itself as a Collaborative Learning Environment (CLE).


Site roster
View site usage statistics
Display external web pages
Create new Sakai sites from templates with pre-loaded tools
Contains tools for portfolio based activities
Because Sakai is mainly coded in Java it can cause problems, especially if using older versions of browsers. It can also be difficult to find programmers with Java skills.


ATutor differs slightly from the other systems as it is actually a Learning Content Management System (LCMS). The A stands for accessible, and accessibility is its best feature. Also, user navigational patterns can be tracked so instructors can see students use of the site and students can track their own use.


Print Compiler to print notes or transcripts of discussions
SCORM and IMS packages can be imported
Easy course creation (although difficult with different types of content)
Easily accessible and adaptable
The file storage feature has a version control feature to keep track of changes and drafts
A negative aspect of this particular platform is that the Java Runtime Environment must be installed on the client side for SCORM tracking. Also, course elements can't be bookmarked.


To conclude, of the six Learning Management Systems listed above, Moodle is by far the most popular, and in our opinion, the best. It has over 62 million users worldwide. On top of the features listed above, here are some other reasons we believe Moodle should be your number one choice for an open source Learning Management System.

Repositories - With Moodle it is very easy to import files from Flickr, Google Docs, Dropbox, Youtube etc. These files can all be saved together in one location for ease of access later.

Discussion boards - The Moodle Community is full of discussion boards in many different languages, therefore users can communicate with people from outside your organization as well as your employees.

Support - There are a plethora of support options for Moodle users. On the Moodle site you can find books and manuals, documents including frequently asked questions, and a forum where you can ask questions. The forums usually have plenty of other users and even computer programmers who are happy to offer help, advice and recommendations, whatever the issue.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Which Affiliate Course For Niche Marketing Is Suitable For Beginners?

An increasing number of consumers on the planet today are now interested in generating some type of income on the internet. The web is filled with a tremendous number of opportunities available to users that provide various levels of success and earning potential which are often complicated to sort through when needed. Consumers focused on this need should know which affiliate course niche marketing options are right for their needs.

Affiliate niche marketing is completed through the use of a specific product or service that is targeted to a specific consumer group. People that are interested in this form of revenue generation often find that there are plenty of programs and sites available to join that help launch this effort. Many consumers are uncertain of how to even begin their efforts when needed.

Courses are readily available to people that are interested in completing this process to generate an income. People often discover that many of the classes available are comparable in scope and are unable to be successfully sorted through. Focusing on the options that are best for people just starting out helps anyone through this effort in an informed manner.

People should first ensure that any class considered is offered from a reputable instructor. The instructors and providers of the classes available are directly correlated to how relevant the information is to each learner. Reading consumer reviews and performing a basic amount of research is all that is required in this effort.

The ability to take each class through a virtual setting is also pertinent. Commuting to and from a live class can be difficult and time consuming which should be avoided to prevent time constraints and complications. Webinar and presentation based options are typically best for people that are just beginning their efforts.

Consumers should also consider any and all tools that are offered to participants when making a choice. Tools and guidance options that are provided are essential in being able to successfully launch the marketing process one is interested in. Classes that help consumers through their initial stages are often the most effective at helping to begin the profit process.

Affiliate course niche marketing options for beginners are also chosen based on their ability to help consumers focus on their niche. People are often interested in particular products and services but are unable to determine what markets are considered as niche. Classes that guide consumers through this process are capable of helping ensure that people increase their chances for success.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Earn Money With Digital Photography - Sell Stock Photos Online

Everyday photographers with digital cameras often earn money selling their stock photos online. These transactions are happening everyday across the internet and, as a result, amateur photographers are making hundreds of dollars each day from doing what they love, taking photos with their digital cameras and selling their stock photos instead of deleting them or just storing same.

Learning how to make money with your digital camera online can be a tricky process. There is plenty of information out there, from blogs to ebooks, which provide basic advice on techniques. The photo stock websites willing to pay for the images are trustworthy and reliable. These includes,, and, just to name a few. What is often forgotten, however, is that stock photography is like any other business, meaning there are subjects which are in high demand and others that are not. Learning what is likely to sell and focusing on those subjects often makes the difference between the photographers who make little money and those who make a lot.

Turning your passion into profit takes a certain amount of tenacity. You'll want to definitely produce as much quality content as possible. Some photographers view it as a numbers game, preferring to upload large numbers of photographs each day. Other photographers take a more professional approach to the process by preparing and planning, as well as choosing subjects in advance. Whichever approach you take, it is important to frequently upload fresh images.

To make money with your stock photos, you must first start by creating an account at your favorite paid stock photography site. This is a fairly straightforward process, not unlike setting up an account at any of the countless other websites across the internet. Once finished, you can simply upload photographs directly from your computer hard drive to the site and set your asking price.

While some people will advise you to buy expensive photography equipment, that simply isn't required. More than likely, the digital camera you already own is of good enough quality to shoot amazing images for resale. You can discover how to make money with your digital camera by first looking through the stock photography sites, paying close attention to the best sellers. This information is often readily available and is priceless when determining which subjects you should shoot.

Once you get started, you'll be amazed at the ability to make money from your stock photos. Firms are increasingly outsourcing advertising and marketing, as well as slashing budgets, which means they're plenty of businesses already looking for low-priced images to incorporate within websites and other media. The key is giving them what they want.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Where to Earn Extra Cash: Using Free Online Resources to Clean Your Attic and Make Extra Money

There are so many sites online now where you can sell items found in your home to earn extra cash. Amongst the most popular are eBay and Craigslist. The following is a tutorial on choosing the best site to sell items in your own attic or home; in short, where to earn extra cash.

Most popular is global auction site eBay. This is a unique resource that is nearly free and has many positive things going for it. First, by virtue of the fact that it is an online auction, sellers often find they get better prices for their items because people are bidding on it. Another factor that can drive up the sale price is the fact that there is a time limit on each sale, creating a sense of urgency amongst bidders. eBay is truly a global community and you reach an enormous market when listing on their site. They have made shipping incredibly easy, too.

A few of the drawbacks are the fees you incur when listing the item, when the item sells and when you receive a payment through PayPal. This makes low volume, low dollar sales unprofitable. Some sellers are put off by the task of selling large items, which is still not overly common, but is possible.

eBay's completely free counterpart is online classifieds site Craigslist. The biggest positives sellers find when using Craigslist is that it's free and there are no fees for sales or payments. Craigslist is simply the vehicle to put your item out in the marketplace, but not the mechanism to obtain payment, so buyers often will only take cash for sales. This leads to another factor that some see as a positive and others see as a negative: transactions must occur face to face. For some, there is great comfort in doing business this way, but for many people, this is simply not a comfortable way to operate, especially when it comes to having strangers to your home to view items. It is strongly advised that you use good judgment and caution when conducting sales on Craigslist and do as much interacting with interested buyers in a busy, public place as is feasible.

Because sales are almost exclusively cash and face to face, sales must be primarily local. You simply aren't able to reach as broad of an audience when selling on Craigslist. Also, it's not uncommon for buyers to seek to barter or bargain for an item. If you don't intend to trade for your item, be prepared and be firm in the advertisement that you place. This will save you time and headaches down the road.

Many users of eBay and Craigslist report that in general, eBay is the best venue to sell small items, name brand items such as clothing, books, media, items that are new in their packaging, collectable items and electronics. Craigslist is a more appropriate site to sell large items like tools, exercise equipment, furniture, and housewares.

When you need to know where to earn extra cash and have items on hand that can be sold locally or globally, always be sure to check to be sure that item is selling well on the market you choose to sell it in. That extra check and research can help you price and list your item appropriately. Most importantly, use good judgment throughout the process, be honest in your listing and enjoy the extra cash you will earn as a result.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

10 Steps to Hosting a Proper Webinar

Most businessmen are busy people; therefore, there are times that they will not have the time to attend seminars. If you are about to host a seminar and your listeners are from various places, what is your plan in order to make it succeed? Of course, you will need to consider the venue, the accommodation of your guests and their foods.

With a webinar, you will no longer need to worry of these things. You can conduct workshops or lectures even without the need of leaving your house. The same is true with your listeners - they won't have to travel just to go to your place.

Despite the fact that you don't need a lot of preparations for the webinar, there are still steps that you should consider in order to make it successful. Here are 10 steps that should be considered.

1. Schedule the event ahead of time. You have to consider the schedule of your audience. Some of them might have appointments already set in the coming days, therefore, make sure that you will inform them of the tentative date for the webinar. Also, if possible, schedule the event on a holiday or on a weekend.

2. Consider the different time zones of your audience.

3. Decide on the tool that you will use. Make sure to test several tools that are offered online so that you can select the one that is most appropriate for your topic.

4. Practice. Make sure that you will not end up funny or weird during the discussion. You have to sound professional, and thus, you have to practice your turn.

5. Create an agenda. Make an objective for the event. Why are you doing it? How can it help you and your audience? Create an agenda that is achievable.

6. Send an invitation to your audience. You can call them on their free time or send them a private message about the event.

7. Plan and prepare your presentation. Make sure that you have all the needed things and make sure that everything is set up.

8. Record any discussions that will take place during the webinar.

9. Follow-up the event. Provide summary of what was discussed and then get some feedback from your audience. In case that you are planning to host another webinar in the future, inform them about it.

10. Review and assess your feedback. This is a great way of improving your performance. Take note of the weak and good points as pointed out on the feedback of your audience.

Friday, August 31, 2012

How To Keep The Main Thing The Main Thing

When you decided to start an online business, it was with noble intentions and the determination to succeed. You expected there to be learning involved, but you figured that you could make it work.

Holy moley, you had no idea it was gonna be this darned hard to figure it all out! There's just so much to learn and do.

The truth is building an online business can be overwhelming. There are thousands of online courses out there. Which ones do you choose? What training do you need to know? How much technology do you need to try to learn?

It's information overload out there. It's just too much. You've spent tons of money trying to learn this stuff and the deeper you get into it the more you need to buy and learn.

It's never ending.

The problem I see with my clients is it just gets way too complicated. There is so much to learn, do and set up that it seems the more you build your online business the more you need to build, set up and do. It's exhausting and frankly sometimes it's no fun.

That's where keeping the main thing the main thing comes into play. It's easy to get off track and sucked into learning all the technology of building your business, that you never get around to actually doing business, getting clients, making money and enjoying the time freedom you're working so hard for.

It's time you simplify how you set up and build your business. It's time that you start keeping the main thing the main thing.

You don't need to get stuck on learning all the technology. You need to set it up, get it done as quickly and easily as possible and move on. It doesn't have to be perfect. When you're getting started, good enough is good enough.

Most people who quit before they see success never actually get around to doing business. They are too busy learning the back end mechanics - the technology. Spending way to much time and money focusing on all the details of the back end.

It's kind of like setting up and organizing the back room of a brick and mortar business. If you stay back there all day every day, your doors won't be open for very long.

The main thing when you start your business is to set it up as simply and quickly as possible so you can move on to actually doing business. You can tweak it later. It just has to be good enough. If you are in the backroom all the time, trying to make it perfect, you'll never actually have a business.

I learned this the hard way. I am a bit embarrassed to admit that I stayed it the back room for about 2-1/2 years before I realized I didn't have to know it all, before I put myself out there, before I understood that it didn't have to be perfect. That good enough was good enough.

Are you making it way too hard? Are you learning and learning and learning and not getting around to earning? Are you worried that it's just not quite right and it needs more work?

Keeping the main the thing the main thing means not letting yourself get sucked into the black hole of technology. You don't need to know it all. In most cases you'll never actually use most of those courses you bought.

You need to know the basics - learn simple WordPress, create a giveaway, how to set up an opt in page and your autoresponders. Don't worry about the rest until it comes up and you NEED to.

As you start making money, you'll realize the importance of your time, your gonna get someone else do it for you anyway.


Decide today that you are going to simplify things, to use the K.I.S.S. method (keep it super simple)

Flip the way you are doing things around. Market and promote 75% of the time. Build your list, promote your offers, write guest blog posts or trade posts with colleagues in the same or similar niche, write emails, connect with your community, do things that drive traffic back to your site.

Keep it simple. Do things as simply as possible. Take as many shortcuts and quick fixes as you can for now. Concern yourself with doing business.

If you focus on keeping the main thing the main thing instead of thinking you need to have a handle on all the technology, your business will have a chance to grow.

Monday, August 13, 2012

7 Different Types of People Who Can Benefit From Using a VPN

A VPN (or a Virtual Private Network) can be a very useful form of technology for different types of users who have different needs and requirements. You can easily find a type of VPN that suits your purposes. There are hundreds of free VPNs that will quickly and simply provide you with a virtual private network, but there are also subscription VPNs that range in price that a suitable for those who need something extra from their service. There are also business VPNs available that are more suitable for a higher number of users.

One of the most typical types of people who can benefit from using a VPN are people who conscious of their online security. Keeping your data secure when you are online is an important part of the using the internet. There is a proliferation of places that will offer 'free Wi-Fi' such as libraries, cafés and hotels because a quickly increasing proportion of the population want to be online when they are out and about. Using a VPN will benefit those who are conscious of their online security, especially in public Wi-Fi hotspots. A VPN will help to keep your passwords, logins and data encrypted and much more difficult to hijack. As more of our lives take place online it can be beneficial to use VPNs as they can increase your internet privacy.

In a similar vein, those who are fans of downloading may often look to VPNs to ensure their privacy. Even if the files you are downloading from a file-sharing website or program are completely legal and free to share, simply using the website may put you on the radar of your internet service provider or some interested third parties. A VPN can give legal downloaders a sense of security that they will not end up being accused and have to defend themselves from something they have not done, simply because they used an online service. A VPN can be used to heighten the privacy and security of your online actions.

Increasing numbers of schools and universities are beginning to offer their students free access to a VPN. When the student begins studying at an institution they will often be given login details to a VPN that is set up and run by the school. Using this VPN will often mean that the student can access online resources and can use the school email system securely. Equally, many universities will have access to educational magazine and scientific or historical journal subscriptions. These subscriptions may be limited by IP address and through using a VPN a student can demonstrate they are a part of the university and can use the resources. Electronic library resources and class resources may also be accessible in this way.

Virtual Private Networks can also be useful in the workplace. Many businesses find that using a VPN can save time and money. They can also be beneficial for remote workers or people who are working at home. Through using a VPN a remote worker can easily and securely access the company's intranet and the resources they need. Workers that are unable to be in the office can carry out their tasks as if they were in the office. VPNs offer businesses a great deal of flexibility and time and money can be saved that would be used on commuting or travelling. Another beneficial facet of a virtual private network is that as a company grows their VPN can grow with them. Instead of having to build dedicated networks between different branches of the company, a VPN will allow employees to easily connect to the main internal network.

The number of people who have a smart phone and use it to connect to the internet while they are on the go is rising rapidly. A high number of these people will also utilise free Wi-Fi hotspots to connect to the internet. It is vital, therefore, that these users try to keep their data as secure as possible. Accessing social media or an internet banking app over a connection that is not secure could result in the loss of important private data. The use of a VPN can be particularly beneficial in these situations and can help you to keep your data private and secure. You can often find VPN providers that will offer both desktop and mobile solutions - some mobile phones even have built-in VPN features.

Holiday makers or people who are travelling can benefit from the use of a VPN. Many people find that when they travel to a different country and try to access the video streaming services, such as iPlayer or 4od, that they use at home, they are unable to use it because use is restricted to a specific country. Finding a UK VPN provider can help Brits who are abroad to use the web services that they would be using if they were at home. Many people on their travels will also choose to use a virtual private network to ensure that the hotel or café Wi-Fi that they are using is secure. You may need to do some internet banking while you are on holiday, maybe to make sure you have enough funds for the rest of your trip, but you cannot be sure how secure the internet connection is - using a VPN will be able to enhance the security of a connection.

Finally, those who love to online game may also find benefits in using a VPN. If you want to play games online with your friends and no one else a VPN can help you do this. There are a number of VPN providers that will allow you to set up your own private network. Once you have set up the network you can give your friends the name and password - this means that you can have a LAN party without needing to have all your computers in the same place. For many people this is a much more ideal situation than the random 'match-up' systems many online games have that often mean you never get to play against your friends.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Employee Productivity - How Incentives Effect Employee Performance

The importance of high morale is the foundation of a successful corporate culture, which can be the result of a number of factors. Including however not limited to, team involvement, individual contribution, strong adherence to a code of ethics, and a unique incentive program to increase performance and to collectively reach company goals. An industry standard for many reasons, incentive programs help to persuade performance, foster team unity, and friendly inner-office competition. It is not always so obvious is to know the most effective means of motivating your workforce.

For the most part everyone wants to be recognized and appreciated for a job well done, however it is also worth noting that not everyone desires the same type of recognition. According to Littauer (2006), the person's personality determines how they will respond to recognition and what motivates them the most. Employee incentive programs can go a long way toward recognizing high achievers and incentivizing others to reach higher.

Perhaps one of the most effective ways to explain how to design an effective incentive program would be to highlight some of the reasons incentive programs fail. Rao (2010), cites the following reasons, according to some experts, as to why incentives plan fail:

Performance pay cannot replace good management. Lack of clear goals, inadequate employee selection and training, and a hostile workforce (or management), are some factors that impede performance.
Pay is not a motivator. Employers should not only provide adequate financial rewards, but also offer opportunities that lead to potential advancement, and positions that are more challenging.
Rewards may undermine responsiveness. When employee's focus is to achieve a specific goal such as cutting cost, any changes or distractions make achieving the goal harder for that employee.
Leadership lacking proper management provokes resentment, in today's tough economic environment everyone is dealing with more issues than ever. Therefore, working in an environment without predetermined boundaries and specific goals fosters poor performance, and increased insensitivity to the goals of the organization. For many if pay were the single reason for performing on the job, the job would go uncompleted. There is always a forward progression for the goal-oriented individual, who seeks opportunities to not only add value to others and their organization, but also personal development. Room for advancement is often included in the description of open positions as a way to attract talented individuals. If your entire incentive program is not built on incremental goals, then the question, (what do I do now?) will be the prevailing thought and hinder the creativity needed to enhance the newly achieved objective. Foreseen changes incorporated in the initial designing of the program will reduce distractions.

One of the primary reasons for low employee morale leading to high absenteeism is that fact that once a job or skill has reached a level of mastery, it becomes more challenging to keep employees engaged. Therefore, the added incentive to complete a project within a certain parameters, coupled with company-wide recognition, and team participation, helps to foster a dynamic culture, create a new level of excitement, and drive for achieving higher levels of performance.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Successful Thinking for Virtual Assistants

Do you find it hard to believe that you can create or accomplish anything that you want? I used to have that problem. When growing up, I was very shy. My shyness stemmed from feelings of inadequacy. I always thought, "I'm not good enough, smart enough, strong enough, fast enough... " etc.

What needed to change? Just a few things needed to change. The most important was the way that I viewed myself and what was possible in life. The same goes for you if you think that you cannot accomplish whatever you so desire. Therefore, I invite you to ask this very important question, "What is possible?" If you ask that question enough, you will find an endless supply of possibilities in any field of endeavor. My goal is to help you realize the possibilities for your Virtual Assistance business.

Your success starts with the way you think about yourself and what you can accomplish. I have 2 guarantees for you. 1) If you think you cannot succeed, you won't. 2) If you believe you will be successful, you WILL.

Is it that easy? Think about it, for a moment. When a person says that they cannot do a thing, they immediately cancel out the ability to succeed. However, when an individual believes that he will succeed, he will stop at nothing to fully realize what he is after.

Having a successful mindset requires ongoing maintenance and reassurance. Here are a few thoughts that may be helpful to you in developing and maintaining a successful mindset:

"Success is stumbling from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." ~ Winston Churchill

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." ~ Napoleon Hill

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." ~ Helen Keller

"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." ~ Bill Cosby

You determine what success means for you. Your thinking will move you towards realizing that success. Will you be a successful virtual assistant?